Division 1 – Anne Hitchen

On Monday 17th June, in near perfect conditions, we had an impressive victory against Royal Perth Golf Club winning 4 1/2 games to 2 1/2 games.

Team morale was tentative before the match when we discovered Royal Perth were playing 2 of their strong weekend pennant players in their team, a completely legal move. Despite this, our top 4 players all stepped up and had solid wins.

Leanne McVey fought hard and had a 2/1 win. Shirley Van Der Brugghen and Kerrin Thomas both had dominant 4/3 wins. Rosey Burd was square coming down the 18th, then sunk an amazing long, pressure putt, to birdie and win 1 up .

I managed to square my game (again!) while You Ran Han and Linda Mackin just missed out going down 2/1 and 3/1 respectively.

Finals here we come!

Next Monday morning we will play Wanneroo Golf Club, who are undefeated, at Lake Karrinyup Country Club for a chance at bringing home another pennant for the Club.