I think we can all agree that winter has well and truly arrived. The rain was long overdue and welcome, but we have been fairly fortunate in getting out on the course for our main competition days for Tuesday and Thursday. Long may this continue. It’s been a while since I my last blog, so be prepared for a long one as there is a lot of news to cover.

What has been happening?

36 Hole Members Trophy
What a great day this was! Our entry numbers were up 30% on 2023 which was fabulous to see. The presentations were held straight after the game where we all enjoyed the company of our fellow weary golfers over a beverage and tasty snack platters. Congratulations to winner of the day, Leanne McVey, by one point from Anne Hitchen. A big thankyou to our sponsor of the day Maureen Slattery.

Pennants 2024
The individual pennants teams are nearing the end of the season with one more round to go. Division 3 are sitting in 4th place with 2 wins and a draw from 5 games. It has been an enjoyable season with a number of players playing debuting for their first pennants game. Thanks to our caddies for your patience and encouragement.

Division 1 have had a good season from a strong and consistent team. They can make the finals on June 24th against Wanneroo if they beat Royal Perth in the next round on Monday, so good luck team!

Senior Pennants is not too far away with the first round on Monday 8th July. This is a 4BBB format competition. Pennant’s Coordinator, Anne Hitchen, will be in contact with those who have already shown interest in participating. If you are interested in playing, please see the Noticeboard in the Ladies Locker Room for more details.

What is coming up?

Thursday 13th June – Stroke. Silver Spoon #3 and Putting and Consistency #6.
We are very fortunate to have two sponsors for the day. The 18 hole winner of the day will receive a coveted Silver Spoon. Rod Webb has sponsored the grade winners who will each receive $40, and the 9 hole member best score will receive $20.

Nearest the pins and graded longest drives will be out for all too. Please remember to bring them in if you are the last group going through those holes. It is also a Putting and Consistency Round, so don’t forget to count your putts!

Our second sponsor of the day, Sue Quinones, is sponsoring the Nearest to the Pins with a $25 prize for each NTP, but with a little twist. Three of the holes will be for a particular grade and the final one for all grades.

  • 5th Hole – All grades
  • 9th Hole -A grade (0-20)
  • 14th Hole – C grade (28+)
  • 17th Hole – B grade (21-27)

Thursday 20th June – GolfWA 4BBB Challenge
This is a 4BBB Stableford event to be played at club level where each club submits their winning pairs score to GolfWA and the top 25 scores from both a regional and a metro club are invited to compete in the state play-off to be held at Wanneroo Golf Club on Monday 16th September, 2024.

The winners of the state play-off will each receive a travel voucher to the AUD value of the amateur status maximum plus entry to the Australian Open.

$8 entry fee per player plus usual $10 competition fee. You have the option of entering or not, however, only those who have paid before the commencement of the competition will be eligible to represent to the club at the state play-off. So grab a partner and pay your $8 entry to be in it to win it!  Details on Ladies Locker Room Noticeboard. Our normal competition prizes will operate as usual as well on the day.

For more info go to : https://www.golfwa.org.au/event-tournament/womens-4bbb-challenge/

Thursday 11th July – 36 Hole Foursomes Championship
The individual 36 hole Members Trophy in May was a big success, so why not share the joy of another 36 hole day with a partner? The Foursomes Championship is a stroke event played with a partner. Each pair plays one ball only, taking alternate shots until the ball is in the hole. You each tee off on alternate tees, so one of the pair will take even numbered tees and the other odd numbered tees.  Your partnership handicap is an average of both player’s handicap.

Maureen Slattery will again be our sponsor of this 36 hole day with some generous prizes on offer. The Tea Tree Gully Trophy will be presented to the pair with the best Nett score. The Best Gross pair will have their name added to the Gold Letter Board.

Entry fee $50 per pair which includes competition fees and a snack platter at the end of the day at presentations. Motorised Carts can be used by any player without restriction of prize eligibility. Entry details coming soon on the Ladies Locker Room Noticeboard.

That’s all for now and remember to take care and be kind.

Anne Ward