Women’s Captain Blog – July2024

I’m writing this July Blog from the warmth of my loungeroom as I sit in front of the fire. Today was scheduled to be the Megan Holmes Trophy Day, which was postponed due to the poor weather. I did say in the June Blog that we hadn’t missed any of our Thursday competitions due to rain, so I clearly jinxed it. We will reschedule this event and inform you of the new date.

What has been happening?

Pennants 2024
The individual weekday pennants season has concluded with some very positive outcomes. Division 1 finished 2nd after the round robin and qualified for the final. Wanneroo were too strong on the day, but runner up is a great result. We were able to field the same group each week, no doubt one of the factors which contributed the team’s success. Thank you to the team for your commitment.   

We entered an additional team this year for Individual Pennants, in Division 3. This team fielded a different combination each week including a few debutants. This was done to enable greater participation and for player development, so we can back up our division 1 team into the future. They were well supported by some very able caddies, and all had an enjoyable season. The team finished 4th out of 7 teams and posted some good wins. It would be great to continue with this team again in 2025.

Senior Pennants is underway, and we are sitting second on the ladder after two rounds.  The first round saw a loss to Lakelands, but the team bounced back this week at Gosnells for a strong win against Royal Fremantle. Next Monday they are taking the trek to Lakelands to play Royal Perth. Good luck to all the players.

A big thank you to our Ladies Vice Captain and Pennant’s Coordinator, Anne Hitchen, for all your efforts getting these teams out on the course each week.

Silver Spoons
There have been two Silver Spoon rounds since my last blog. Round 3 winner was Ruby Cotton and Maree Hills won Round 4. Congratulations to Ruby and Maree. The final round for the year will be on 1st August. Thank you to Sue Quinones for her generous sponsorship of the Nearest the Pins on both days.

36 Hole Foursome Championship
Another great day for our 36 hole events.  16 pairs competed, up 60% on 2023 which was fantastic. Congratulations to the Tea Tree Gully Nett Trophy winners, Deb Harris and Amanda Wilson. Amanda gave a heartfelt speech as her first trophy win at the club. The Gross winners were Leanne McVey and Shirley van der Brugghen. A big thank you, again, to our sponsor of the day Maureen Slattery.

What is coming up?

Individual Matchplay
This is our next major event and this year, we are offering this event on a Saturday. This will not only give our Saturday players a chance to compete for a major trophy, it will also bring the club together as “One Club” with the men’s Matchplay Championship running at the same time.

Here is how it will work for the women.

  • There will be a choice of two qualifying days, one on Thursday 1st August and the other on Saturday 3rd These are both Stroke events.
  • The top 8 Gross scores will Qualify for the Gross competition and the next best 8 Nett scores for the Nett Competition.
  • The knockout quarters, semis and final will be held on the following three Saturday afternoons, August 11, 18 and 25, with the final being held alongside the men’s finals.

I urge you all to support this event as we progress toward offering all women members opportunity to compete in events both mid week and on weekends. A sign-up sheet will be in the Ladies Locker Room. More details to follow soon.

18 Hole Invitation Tuesdays
You have probably all noticed the dwindling number in the 18 holes Ladies competitions over the last few years. The Ladies Committee have come up with a number of initiatives to try to reverse this trend. The first one will be to welcome women from outside out club, with a GA handicap, to join us in our Tuesday competitions from July 30th through to August 27th. The cost will be $20 which will cover green fees and the competition entry.  If you know anyone who may be interested, please ask them to contact Jodee in the admin office. There are some flyers in the Ladies Locker Room you are welcome to take and distribute to spread the word. I’m sure you will all make the visiting ladies welcome.

That’s all for now and remember to take care and be kind.

Anne Ward