Round 7 Division 6

Melville Glades vs WA Golf Club at WA Golf Club- by James Mcauliffe

Final round of the season had us travel to Yokine to play WA Golf Club. Conditions through the season have been a little unkind for pennants with 5/7 rounds played in the rain.

The course was set up hard, playing off the Gold tee’s (Championship tee’s), the wind was up which made a hard course even harder. This made for some interesting club choices when hitting into the wind. We managed to steal a point away from the host club with the match finishing at 3-3. Winners this week were Logan King 2 up, Dean Marsh 4&3 and James Mcauliffe 3&2. Narrow losses to Nigel Williams, Jono Hailes and Kavi Lasrado.

After a couple of losses the previous weeks we ended the season in 5th spot, just 1 win away from playing in a final. This is a fantastic effort for the team given we were rotating through 16 players and making sure all players got games in. This was the first year we have had division 6 (well at least in the last 5 years), we thought this was the best way to build the interest in pennants/Matchplay. Most other squads are made up of 9 players so guys play most of the games over the 7 weeks.

We have all had a blast this season and want to thank Cannington Mazda for their support of the pennant team’s this year and the club for showing faith in the interest shown on the back of one email.

A few fun facts from the season:
Undefeated player – Logan King 3.5 wins from 4 games
Biggest winner – Yong kim 7&6 win at Hartfield
Best team players – Brad Simms, Kavi Lasrado and Thomas Love. These guys were at every game either playing, caddying or just supporting.

Thank you to all involved this season it has been a pleasure to captain and work with the club in getting this team up and about.