Dear Members,

The final stage of our greens replacement program commences on Monday 16th September. In preparations for the works, and for the greens on holes 1-6 coming out of play, a new temporary course has been established and rated to allow ongoing handicapped competitions for the duration of the project. This will have the new distances and temporary greens accounted for.

The new course, and ratings to be in place from Monday are below and will be reflected on printed cards and in MiScore. To allow for a smooth flow of works for our course staff and contractors, alleviate any possible delays to works and ensure competitions are run as efficiently as possible, all greens on holes 1-4 & 6 will be out of play, while hole 5 will also be out of play from Monday 16th September. Please note the back 9 remains unaffected.

Order or Play 1T 2T 3T 4T 6T 7 8A 8B 9
Par Men 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
Par Women 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3

Blue Tees (18 holes) – Par 70; Scratch Rating 69; Slope Rating 115
Red Tees (18 holes) – Par 71; Scratch 72; Slope 117
Red Tees (1-9 holes) – Par 34; Scratch 34.5; Slope 112

Members are asked to follow all directional signage to ensure the safety of everyone as the extra machinery moves around the course. Please also keep carts off of the temporary greens as a courtesy to your fellow members – the picture below is not something we want to see happening (note the cart tracks!).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation for the duration of the final stage of this important project.

Matt Espie
General Manager
13 September 2024