What has been happening?

The wet and windy weather has given me a challenge to complete the busy season of fixtures. The Match Committee deliberately front loaded the calendar to try to avoid playing our Gold Letter events during the green replacement program. This has fortunately opened up some dates to reschedule the washed out events.

The Cure Brain Cancer Charity Day morning field is out on the course as I write this Blog. It promises to be a fabulous day with a lot of effort having gone into the event by the club’s organising committee. The Dana Shave Art Show last night was a well attended event with over half of her beautiful watercolours sold on the night. I came home with a stunning painting of Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour, a place which holds fond memories for me from when I moved to Fremantle in the 80s from ‘over east’. Thank you Valerie, Janice, Jodee and Carla for such a lovely evening.

Invitation Tuesdays

We hosted 29 visitors from 10 clubs at our Invitation Tuesdays during August. The visitors were very complimentary about our club and the Melville Glades members who played with them. It was great to see some of our member’s enjoying the company of their friends from other clubs as well as the other visitors who were just keen to play our beautiful course. Who knows, they might even consider joining us on a more permanent basis! Thanks to the members who played with the visitors and supported this Ladies Committee initiative. You make my job a whole lot easier.

Pennants 2024
Senior Pennants has concluded and team captain, Jenny Marsh, has reported it was a successful season with a tight competition overall and a great team spirit with a number of members playing pennants for the club for the first time. Thank you to Jenny for organising and captaining the team each week, and also to Anne Hitchen and Andrea Hird for doing the hosting duties for the round at Melville Glades.

Silver Spoons
Congratulations to the final Silver Spoon winner of the season, Leanne McVey. Congratulations also go to our most consistent Silver Spoon player for the season, Anne Hitchen. Anne represented Melville Glades in the Golf WA Silver Spoon play off on Monday 2nd September at Nedlands Golf Club. Anne was thrilled to receive a very special Golf WA Silver Spoon as our club representative. I think she is still carrying it around in her handbag if you would like a look.

Other Winners
Congratulations to the following members for their wins at some of our recent special club events.

  • Rod Webb Par Day – Deb Harris (18 hole), Kerry McIvor (9 hole). Thank you, Rod, for your generous sponsorship throughout the season.
  • Beryl Nicholls Trophy – Robyn Murphy
  • Individual Matchplay – Leanne McVey (Gross), Julie Davies (Nett)

What is coming up?

The Winter Eclectic finishes on Sunday 15th September, so time is running out to improve that score on a hole you know you have dome better on in the past. My bogey hole this year is the 18th. I just can’t seem to land that elusive Par.


  • 10th September – 4BBB Matchplay starts. Good luck to all the teams who have entered.
    12th September – Megan Holmes Trophy rescheduled. Shotgun start 8:30am.
  • 19th September – Stroke Putting and Consistency #10 rescheduled.
  • 26th September – Director of Lady Members Trophy and Oska Pulse presentation. Shotgun start 8:30am.
  • 10th October – Lady Captain and Vice Captain’s Trophy. Shotgun start 8:30am.
  • 24th October – Breast Cancer Day, invite a friend. More details to follow.

That’s all for now and remember to take care, be kind and value each and every day we have the privilege of playing golf with our fellow members at Melville Glades.


Anne Ward