Yesterday afternoon, we hosted our first of many Junior Competitions, a fun format designed to just play, have fun and have your parents either caddy or support your golf. This is a great step in the right direction for the club, as we give our Juniors more options to be involved and seen at the club. Each week will be a different format, Ambrose, Stableford, 4BBB and Parent & Child comps.
Tee times are after Twilight from 4:00pm, we had 6 golfers yesterday and will be running them every Friday. If you are keen to get involved, get in touch with Jamie at all juniors are welcome.
In addition, a friendly reminder our ‘Junior Classic’ is on Thursday 16th January, spaces are filling up, if you are keen to enter click the link and register MiClub Tournament: Tournament Management System
Kind Regards
Jamie Mason
Golf Operations Manager