Normal etiquette as understood by most golfers is that you limit your movement when in sight and sound of other players who are in the process of playing a shot.

This includes:

  • Getting items in and out of your golf bag
  • Motorized golf buggies being remotely moved to another location after that player has played their shot
  • Moving about the green when a player is preparing to putt

Please be courteous to your playing partners.

I would also like to remind everyone about pace of play

We can all do our bit but I would like to remind you of these key points:

  • Don’t be late on the tee-box
    • You need to be on the tee-box 10 minutes before your designated tee time
  • Don’t all walk together up the fairway chatting – go to your ball
    • There’s plenty of time to chat later in the clubhouse
  • Don’t leave buggies in from of a bunker while you putt.
    • Take buggies up beside the green and exit the green from behind the bunker as this allows the next group to play their shot