At its meeting on 29 March 2021, the Board approved changes to the Club’s By-laws to explicitly reinforce the messages within the Staff Priority Policy with in the Club’s Fixture Book. The safety of staff and members remains a high priority and all members are expected to play their part. The additions to the By-laws are below:
Part 3 – Use of Course – Section One Rules
3.1.3. Staff safety on the golf course is to be given priority at all times. The minimum requirements for players and the course staff in achieving this are:
- Players must give way to the course staff at all times.
- If a flag on a green is out, there is obviously work underway and players are to refrain from play until the flag is returned.
(c) If staff are mowing fairways or rough, they will move to the side and indicate when it is safe to hit.
(d) When repairing reticulation or bunkers course staff will use protective screens and players are able to play when safe and there is limited chance of injury. If players hit protective screening or land in bunkers that are in a GUR state, the regular rules of golf are to be applied.
(e) If there is any doubt about the safety of course staff, players are not to play.
(f) All players are to abide by the rules and etiquette requirements in the Rules of Golf and comply with the Club’s Code of Conduct at Section Seven of these By-laws.
The amended By-laws are available on the Club’s website for the members to read in detail.
Matt Espie
General Manager