In support of Cure Brain Cancer Foundation being our chosen charity we have an extremely special event that will be open to MGGC Members and the public on Thursday 5th September 5pm to 6.30pm. We have an art sale and exhibition by our wonderful late member Dana Shave who was renown for her beautiful watercolour art works with some of her work that is hanging throughout the Club. Sadly Dana is no longer with us but her wish was for MGGC to hold this fabulous event with part of the sale of her paintings going to our 2024 chosen charity. 
The art is going to be displayed in the Clubhouse from Wednesday 4th September. It will be run as a silent auction where bids can be put down with the painting going to the highest bidder on Thursday 5th September. Any paintings still available will still be on display on Friday 6th September for silent auction.
Cost for the evening is $10 which includes a glass of wine and cheese.
Make sure you get down to the Clubhouse to have a look at these absolutely beautiful paintings and put your bid in.