The Match Committee has been asked to clarify a player’s options when they encounter and unplayable lie in bunker. Firstly it is worth noting that a player can declare any lie anywhere on the course as ‘unplayable’ and take relief in accordance with the applicable rules. In the case of declaring a ball lying in a bunker as unplayable the golfer has four options under rule 19.2:

  1. For a penalty of one shot the player can return to the place from where they hit the ball into the bunker and play the shot again. This is a stroke-and-distance penalty.
  2. For a penalty of one shot the player may take back-on-the-line relief in the bunker. In this case, keeping the point where the ball came to rest between them and the flag, the ball must be dropped in the bunker. Note it must be ‘dropped’ not ‘placed’.
  3. For a penalty of one shot the player may take lateral relief. In this case the ball can be dropped within two club lengths of the point where the ball initially came to rest but no nearer the hole.
  4. For a penalty of two shots the player may take back-on-the-line relief outside the bunker. So again, keeping he ball’s original resting position between them and the flag, the player can go back as far as they want outside the bunker to play their next shot.

So next time you find your ball completely plugged in a bunker or stuck under the lip remember you have options other than just trying to thrash it out of there!

Happy golfing!

MGGC Match Committee