This year will be the 56th LADIES ANNUAL MEETING.

THURSDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2024 at 2pm

Nominations for the following committee positions will close on 24th October 2024.

The Nomination form is on the attached notification

Please return completed forms to the General Manager by 5pm, 24th October 2024.

Lady Captain
Lady Vice Captain
Lady Secretary
Lady Treasurer
Lady Committee Members (4)

Please note 7th November 2024 is the last date for receiving matters raised by members.

Any lady member wishing to raise matters for inclusion in the LAM agenda, should do so in writing to the General Manager.

The Agenda for the LAM will be finalized and promulgated following 7 November 2024.



NOMINATION FORM for Positions in 2024/25

I nominate……………………………………………………. for the office of…………………….……………………….…….

Proposer…………………………………….………………….Seconder…………………………………………………….. I accept the above Nomination……………………………………………………………………….… Dated this……………Day of………….…………………  2024.

In accordance with the By-Laws, 6.10 and 6.11 nomination forms, having been available at least (28) twenty-eight days prior to the Annual Meeting, are to be completed and returned to the Club Secretary/General Manager no later than (28) twenty-eight days prior to the meeting (24th October 2024).  The completed nomination forms are to be displayed at least (21) twenty-one days prior to the Meeting date (31 October 2024).